Marcy Brook

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These pages are tools that didn't make the cut for my "serious" tools page, but I couldn't let all that mischief go to waste now, could I?

UwU Translator

This page will translate text into "UwU speak". Apologies in advance.

E.g. wowem ipsum dowow sit amet, consectetuw uwu adipiscing ewit

UwU Translator


This page will translate text into "Crytype".

E.g. Loremi psum d..o,,lor st.i amet, consect.etu radipiscing elit


Sarcastic Case Converter

This page will translate text into "Mocking Case".

E.g. LOreM IPsUm dOlOR sIt AmeT, ConSECTETuR ADiPIscInG ELit

Sarcastic Case Converter

Lava Lamp

Go and take a look at and tell me that background doesn't look like a lavalamp.

Totally does right? Well I stole that svg filter nonsense and made a real lavalamp out of it.

Lava Lamp

JavaScript Alpaca

The first thing I ever made with javascript; it was just too cute to not put on my website.

JavaScript Alpaca

WIP Section

JavaScript Cells

An experiment in mathematical representation of cell shapes. Nowhere near done.

JavaScript Cells (WIP)